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Rainy day .....

Lake Washburn Association

What a great morning for our Associaiton Membership General Meeting this morning! Thanks to all who attended. It was the perfect day as the rain poured during the meeting. Now it is early afternoon and we can all get out on the lake as the sun is trying it's best to shine. Gotta love a rainy day!

Next week begins the Summer solstice would almost think it was here already with our balmy temps and humitdity. Some people think it's the 4th of July already too......Fireworks in the middle of June??? Really??!!!

Guess if you are the one who is blasting them off at 11:30 p.m. and you don't seem to care if you bother the other people around the lake you are on schedule of an early summer. Just a reminder.....they are illegal in Minnesota. Living on a lake is peaceful. It can be noisey too with all the watercraft traffic, kids screaming in joy, everyone being happy on the water.

But not after 10 p.m. Enjoy the lake but at the same time show respect for those who turn in early after a long day. It the courteous thing to do.

So with summer approaching, just a friendly reminder to be safe - wear your life jacket, know the boating rules, respect others property while you are on the water, and when arriving or leaving make sure your watercraft is clean, drained and dry! Here's to summer on Lake Washburn!

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