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Articles by Jeff Forester, Executive Director
at Minnesota Lakes & Rivers

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One Watershed

One Plan

Wake Board


Information can be found by using the following links...........

University of Minnesota Extension Service

Forestry team provides research-based information to help protect and improve Minnesota woodlands.

University of Minnesota Extension Service

Learn about ways to preserve & conserve water resources in Minnesota.

Minnesota Lakes and Rivers

Stay informed with the Lakes and Rivers in Minnesota. 

Minnesota DNR

Department of Natural Resources

Cass County

Lake Washburn is located in Cass County, Crooked Lake Township, Minnesota

Crooked Lake Township, Minnesota

Crooked Lake Township, Minnesota is where most of Lake Washburn is located.  The township holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m at the Crooked Lake Townhall.



Outing Area Chamber of Commerce

Outing Area Chamber of Commerce serves the area communities in promoting businesses.

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