About Us
Lake Washburn is located in Crooked Lake Township within Cass County, Minnesota.
Washburn Lake covers 1,554 acres
There are 17.2 miles of shoreline.
The average depth is 24 feet with a
maximum depth of 111 feet.
42% of the lake is less than 15 feet deep.
Lake Washburn Association
Lake Washburn Mission and Purpose
Mission: The Association will study, develop, and encourage practices, which will protect and/or restore the beauty and ecology of the lake.
Purpose: The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The following methods will be employed to accomplish its mission:
Protect and maintain the environmental, economic, aesthetic, and recreational values of Lake Washburn and its vicinity.
Work in conjunction with federal, state, and local agencies, public and private, to maintain the quality of Lake Washburn.
Promote efforts to maintain the lake fishery.
Work to prevent invasion of exotic aquatic plants and animals.
Promote a spirit of community.
Assist Cass County Sheriff in the management of navigational buoys.
Provide educational resources relating to the protection and quality of Lake Washburn and its natural resources.
LWA strives to:
Represents Washburn Lake property owners to local and state officials in support of preserving the lake.
Provides sense of community for Washburn Lake property owners.
Holds one annual membership meeting with programs of interest which gives members a chance to meet and socialize with other lake residents.
Publishes newletters twice annually to keep Washburn Lake property owners up to date with the latest information.
Assists with the Water Patrol - Cass County Sheriff's Volunteer Program
Involved with Crooked Lake Township Lakes and Shores Committee (CLT L&S).
LWA partnerships with Cass County to provide trained inspectors to inspect watercraft that are launched and removed from the lake at the public access for invasive species such as Eurasian Watermilfoil and Zebra mussels on weekends and holidays from opening fishing through middle of September.
Has a membership in the Association of Cass County Lakes (ACCL) and Minnesota Lakes & Rivers (MLR) to support their efforts to improve and protect Minnesota's water resources.
Works with the DNR to locate and protect spawning areas and maximize the fishing potential of Lake.
Has adopted County Road 48 - Lake Washburn Road - Cleaning area twice per year from State Highway 6 to the end of the blacktop.
Assists Cass County Sheriff's Department in the placement, removal, and maintenance of navigational bouys for the safety of all boaters.
Keeps records of lake levels, clarity, and tests for water quality in four locations.
Participates in the State Volunteer Loon Watch Program by working to protect current loon nesting areas as well as provide new ones by purchasing and maintaining nesting platforms.